This morning my daughter asked me if we could make muffins for breakfast.

Our family’s general approach to muffins is that they’re like dessert, and we don’t usually start our day with dessert. Muffins are usually an afternoon treat around here, or at the very least, a small part of breakfast.

Today my response simply wasn’t suiting her, and she refused to believe that there was that much sugar in muffins. So I asked her to go downstairs and bring up a box so we could look at the ingredients together.

I explained to her the way ingredients are listed on processed foods – that the most prominent one is listed first with the least prominent one listed last. 

When she found sugar listed as the very FIRST ingredient, she tried to deny it. But the thing about truth is that no matter how hard you try to deny it, it’s still true.

One of my favorite things about homeschooling is having so many opportunities to train my children in the everyday things…



Doing laundry.

Resolving conflict.

Standing in awe of God when we look at His creation.


Serving others in various ways.

Grocery shopping.

Raising animals.

Reading labels.

I want to encourage you to not just TELL your children things, but to SHOW them. 

It’s one simple way we can raise adults who can think critically, assess their own risks, and always continue to educate themselves.