Last week was our final week of summer break this year, and I decided it was going to be a week without technology for our kids.

(My husband and I both work primarily online, but we also took a break from tech entertainment.)

You know what was amazing? The kids never asked about using the iPad, playing on the Wii, using the computer, or watching a movie.

I never found them tucked away by themselves, texting their friends instead of doing their chores.
I also don’t remember them asking ME to do much of anything with them. Instead, I often found them all playing a game together. Reading to each other. Looking at things together.

It was beautiful. And I’m now convinced more than ever that our kids need enforced tech breaks to allow them the time to just be kids. To reset their brains and slow them down.

Sure, I missed out on watching the last week of the Olympics. But I truly believe we ALL needed that reset.

Have you ever done a tech break in your home? How did you implement it? How did it go?

I’d love to hear your ideas and experiences for when we do another one in the future!